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Psychology of Excellence

You can diligently do sport workouts and become a champion of the world. You can regularly attend business trainings and develop excellent business skills. But is success in one field of life enough to be a harmonic and happy person?

We never stop learning: school, college, university are all behind and it seems to us that studying was replaced by work,  but in reality we continue absorbing new pieces of knowledge every day, expand the boundaries of our own world from books, newspapers, TV programs, conversations with friends, the all-knowing Internet, at last. Unfortunately many of us are learning voluntarily, by chance, leaving many blank spots in the areas of knowledge they encounter.

Meanwhile, self-improvement is work, systematic and controlled self-training. We do not need to learn thoroughly everything existing in the universe - the whole life would not be enough. That is why first of all we identify our primary circle of interests like sport, business, science, and then it is necessary to think about what is going to support this primary circle: in which spheres of our being we must make efforts, insure personal growth, in order to harmonize life, so that the rises in the main activities would not be accompanied by painful falls outside of those.

Is it possible to enjoy victory in a sport competition if while ceaseless work-outs we have destroyed our relationships with old friends? Is it possible to be satisfied with a successful business deal when misunderstanding and alienation rule in the family?

We can learn how to build family life in a way that insures we can wisely solve all conflicts that appear at home, so that our relatives experience joy and pride regarding us, so that the children understand and value their parents, and the parents learn about wonderful worlds of their children with astonishment.

We can learn the secrets of communication and perception and find common language with the one we love in any situation.

We can learn to understand ourselves, our strives and desires, we can learn to think correctly and effectively, so that everything that is happening around us would reflect in new colors and we could build our life instead of destroying it. We can rethink our own beliefs, take a new look at our old fears and open up new, dozing at the moment, opportunities.    

Psychology of excellence is a way of thinking, a vision that helps us live our life brightly and fully, perceiving all the colors of its rich palette. Our world is much more interesting and diverse than just one narrow specialty in which we irrepressibly strive to get to the top, and dozens of mysteries are waiting for us to decide to figure them out.

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