Igor Solodov
Business-trainer, expert in personal effectiveness, coach, author of a number of and articles, web-blog and events
Sphere of competence
Development and support of your progress, aimed at increasing personal/corporate competitive strength at the market.
Igor conducts business-trainings since 2003, trainings in public organizations since 1999. Igor’s speciality is time-management. This is what he is well known for among his clients and partners. Since August 2008, Igor has started developing new course - "Personal effectiveness". He is the author of Kiev Festival of Training. Participant of Ukraine-Dutch business-club since 2002, member of Odessa HR-club since 2003, member of International club of oratorical skills (Toastmasters) since 2005, member of Ukrainian marketing club since 2007. Participant of national and international conferences on HR management and development starting 2000. Igor is the author of a number of articles on HR management and personal effectiveness, the author of web-blog and club "Personal effectiveness".
Expert in personal effectiveness
Igor is the author of personal effectiveness model «?-model», where time-management occupies the leading position. Igor suggests Ukrainian managers to develop following skills:
- to give time necessary to decision-making
- to delegate
- to find balance between personal life and business
- to conduct efficient meetings
- to develop your personal effectiveness
Personal effectiveness model consists of:
- Time-management
- Effective communication
- Promoting personal brand
- Managing life/Leadership
- Effective meetings
- Networking
1997-2002: Odessa National Academy of food technologies, profession -”Business economics of food industry”.
Igor has taken part in more than 8 master-classes, 14 business-trainings, 19 conferences on HR management.
Professional experience
During 4 years Igor has climbed the career ladder starting with sales manager up to company director, after which he was proposed a position in a different business. He has worked in HR, PR, sales and business-administration.
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Trainers' web-blog>>>
"Communication 4?4"
I had the most positive impression. The training gave me the direction I should move to achieve my goals. Gave insight into how significant and important communication with myself is to achieve goals. It is very pity that there was little practical exercise, at the same time the work in pairs and groups showed the importance of communication one on one with another person or with a group of people. I liked the speech in front of the audience and feedback after the performance: very informative, very constructive and very helpful! Super! And, of course, the trainer – I’ll say it again, HONOR AND PRAISE! An excellent speaker and trainer, the one to be a role-model.
Thank you!
Olga Bobrovskaya
I liked the training! Pace of work, the compactness of the modules, informative manner. Igor Solodov - well done! Thank you, that there are developing experts like this that make it possible to learn, gather interesting audiences. As the result there is much to consider, analyze in the personal experience and move on, step by step improving yourself like Igor said: "The secret is in steps";)
Elena Rad’kova
What can I say ...? I'll tell you the truth: I just loved the first half of the seminar!! It just blew my mind - no kidding! The phrase "to be an effective communicator - communicate effectively with yourself" defines much in my life. There were enough at the seminar, and many of them already bring results.
Thank you! See you!
Vladimir Kozhukhar
The training left a positive impression. The main points for myself: 1. Rules for communicating with others. In most cases, each person starts from his experience, wants to distinguish himself at the level of others, can sometimes show their superiority and do not always hear others. This training helped me to change view on approach to communicating with others. I understood the need not to press their opinions, but to build a conversation so that you partner was on your side. While the above still needs to be worked with:).
2. With many issues that we have, we can cope ourselves, it is only necessary to "turn on" experience. In most cases, we are too lazy to talk to ourselves and are looking for a "teacher" who solves your urgent questions.
Elena Manoliy
How to create and sell personal brand
Thank you very much for the warm welcome and skillful organization of the event. I discovered a new way to create and sell personal brand. Revised my views on the services market, and multimedia market, now I understand the motion vector for the promotion of the name much better. Clearly imagine the consumer and his needs, respectively form the offer. Clearly defined the expectations of customers and now I’ll be able to offer ONLY THE BEST! Once again, thank you and wish you success!
The day of personal efficiency
My feedback: Since the purpose of attending the training was the search for life's axis and inspiration:
If you have any questions at heart - come to the training and it will effectively help and inspire spiritually.
Personality becomes steeper and the accuracy of the aspirations and desires will win!
With respect and gratitude.
Olesova Irina.
Interesting, concise and really applicable content of this training gave me the impetus to change myself for the better. Some models I already began to apply in my work and personal life. Thanks to PCG and personally Igor Solodov for an interesting Saturday afternoon!
Vitaliy Smirnov