European Business Association, Ukraine
March 15th, 2010
By this letter the Southern branch of the European Business Association (Odessa, Ukraine) would like to recommend Frank Pucelik - business-trainer with the world name, President of «Pucelik Consulting Group» company- as a high-class specialist, reliable and responsible partner.
The Southern branch of the EBA had the honor and pleasure to cooperate with Mr.Pucelik:
01/14/2010 Frank Pucelik conducted his master-class «Leadership» organized by «Smart Conference» and «Pucelik Consulting Group» companies for the members of the Southern branch of the EBA.
Mr.Pucelik shared with master-class participants the information on how humanity had been answering the question «What is leadership and where does it come from?»; what influence do different styles of leadership have on productivity level of employees and how to enhance employees’ input with effective combination of leadership interactions. During master-class participants discussed situations which usually oppose effective leaders; they also had the opportunity to analyze the progress in their own leadership models and add to them the best behavior skills progressive leaders have.
Frank Pucelik’s master-class received only positive responses among the members of the Southern branch of the EBA and according to their words inspired many to become better and more effective and their companies-more productive.
During cooperation with the Southern branch of the EBA Mr.Pucelik demonstrated himself as a professional in his field who brings great value to those around with his scientific and practical activity.
Ekaterina Morozova
Regional coordinator
Southern branch of the European Business Association |